People of small villages

A few years ago in a small and dark town not far from here, there was a series of horrific murders.

This town was a small town with just over four houses where all the residents were elderly people. As seniors were quite isolated from other surrounding villages except from the visits of the family and the only phone, people couldn't do anything to communicate with the outside world. For this, this group of elderly people dressed and talk in a little strange form.

Although there were few homes, occasionally come some workers for the village such as a garbage collector, a doctor, a masseur and a baker.

The few people who lived in the village were accustomed to sharing everything with each other of them and were not very friendly with people that weren't of the village, to the extent that they formed a sort of sect very unsociable, but those days a man of advanced age he moved to the village and he wasn’t welcome.

One day the baker in the village come to the newcomer man’s house, touched the bell and nobody answered, but instead heard from someone that ran a few steps inside the house. He looked through window and saw a body on the ground and a shadow of a foreign body half hiding. He called the police because he had not yet opened the door and half an hour later two policemen came, pull the door down and found the dead body of the old man mutilated.

That same day the police began an investigation with the statement of the baker that said that he hadn't known who or what it was and he had only seen a kind of shadow through the window.

From that moment the baker was the principal suspect because it was the only one who knew anything about the murder and his statement was very suspicious because he said that he hadn't recognized the killer. Although he wasn't suspect for a long time because the next day appeared dead in the same conditions as the old man but in his work van.

In knowing this, all employees of the town left to not return. The people were very frightened and this time they made an exception with the police and offered them all because they don't left until they resolved the case.

The officers agreed to stay two days while they were resolving the investigation. During this time they took the statement of the old people that all said the same thing as saying that the newcomer was very shy and had not had time to know him too and that the baker was very snoop.

One of the policemen returned at home that night to collect material for research and to investigate the employees who had not returned so they were clear suspects. Once he had finished his work he returned to the village where he saw that although it was too late was the light of the house where he was staying was open and went out the window some strange shadows. He was approaching slowly to the window and scared to look through it and saw a horrifying scene of 5 old people crouching devouring the body of his colleague.

Frightened he left with the car quickly and when it was at a safe distance from the village he called to the police center but before he got to talk to anybody heard a strange sound coming from the backseat of his car. When he turned he saw an old man with his mouth bloodied that jump to his neck.

Police received the call but no one answer and in the following two weeks they sent two teams of police officers who did never return. This story was going to know in the police center and no police else dared to return to that village from which nothing was heard anymore.

Roger Farrés 4th C

Artyom Tserno 4th C

Traducció en català:

Fa pocs anys en un poble petit i fosc no gaire lluny d’aquí hi va haver una sèrie de terribles assassinats.

Aquest poble era un poble petit amb poc més de quatre cases on la majoria d’habitants eren gent gran. Al ser gent gran estaven bastant aïllats de la resta de pobles del voltant ja que a part d’alguna visita de familiars i l’únic telèfon del poble no podien fer res més per comunicar-se amb l’exterior. Tot això feia que aquest conjunt d’avis vestissin i parlessin d’una forma una mica peculiar i estranya.

Tot i que hi havia poques cases de tant en tan també venien alguns treballadors del poble com un escombriaires, un metge, un massatgista i un flequer que de tant en tant anava al poble a portar-los el pa.

La poca gent que hi havia al poble eren acostumats a compartir-ho tot entre ells i no eren gaire amables ni amb la gent que venia a treballar al poble, fins al punt que havien format una espècie de secta tancada i molt esquerpa, però en aquells dies un home de avançada edat es va mudar al poble.

Un dia el flequer del poble en arribar a la casa del l’home nouvingut va tocar al timbre i no va contestar ningú però en canvi va sentir unes passes d’algú que corria dins la casa. Va mirar per la finestra i va veure un cos a terra i una ombra d’un cos estrany i mig arraulit amagant-se.

Va trucar a la policia ja que encara no li havien obert la porta i mitja hora més tard van arribar dos policies que van tirar la porta a terra i van trobar el cos mort del l’avi mig degollat.

Aquell mateix dia els policies van començar una investigació amb la declaració del flequer que deia que no havia reconegut qui o que era i només havia vist una espècie d’ombra a través de la finestra.

Des d’aquell moment el flequer va ser el principal sospitós ja que era l’únic que sabia alguna cosa de l’assassinat i la seva declaració era molt sospitosa perquè no es creien que no hagués reconegut a l’assassí. Tot i això no va ser sospitós durant gaire temps ja que l’endemà va aparèixer mort en les mateixes condicions que l’avi però en la seva furgoneta de treball.

En saber això, tots els treballadors del poble van marxar per no tornar més. Els habitants estaven molt espantats i per aquest cop van fer una excepció amb els policies i van oferir-los de tot per tal de que no els deixessin sols fins que no s’esclarís el cas.

Els policies van accedir a quedar-se dos dies al poble mentre trobaven una solució als assassinats i els investigaven. Durant aquest temps van prendre declaració als vells que tots deien el mateix, ja que deien que el nouvingut era molt esquerp i que no havien tingut temps de conèixer-lo gaire i que el flequer era un xafarder.

Un dels policies va marxar aquella nit a casa per anar a buscar material per la investigació i anar a investigar la resta de treballadors del poble que no havien tornat i que eren clars sospitosos. Un cop va haver acabat la seva feina va tornar al petit poble on va veure que tot i que era molt tard hi havia la llum de la casa on s’allotjaven estava oberta i de la finestra en sortien unes estranyes ombres. Va apropar-se a poc a poc i espantat a la finestra per mirar-hi a traves i va veure una horrorosa escena de 5 vells ajupits devorant el cos del seu company de feina. Espantat va fugir amb el cotxe ràpidament i quan ja era a una distancia prudencial va trucar al centre de policia però abans que arribés a parlar amb ningú va sentir un estrany so que venia del seient del darrere del seu cotxe. En girar-se un avi amb la boca ensangonada se li va llençar al coll.

La policia va rebre la trucada tot i que ningú contestés i en les següents dos setmanes van enviar dos equips de policies que no van tornar mai més. Aquesta història va córrer per en centre de policia i cap policia més va atrevir-se a tronar a aquell poble del que no se’n va saber mai més res.

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